Natural stabilizer for fish oil

Fish oil is a type of marine oil which is derived from the tissues of fatty fish. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial to our body. But oxidation of fish oil is very rapid so in order to decrease the rate of oxidation, Prasan has developed natural stabilizer which helps in decreasing the rate of oxidation and increase the shelf life of fish oil.

Natural antioxidant for paprika

All forms of paprika, like the powder, flakes or oleoresin, processed from the matured fruit of Capsicum Annuum L. are used as industrial as well as culinary food colourants. The striking red-orange colour of paprika is mainly due to the presence of keto-carotenoids, namely capsorubin and capsanthin which comprise 70-80%. of the total carotenoid content of paprika. During processing and storage, the colour of paprika degrades mainly due to deterioration of carotenoids and this process is accelerated at higher temperatures and when exposed to light. prasan’s extensive and in depth research in this area has led to the development of RobustTM Red Paprika with decelerated colour degradation

Natural antimicrobial for Meat

Microbial spoilage and lipid peroxidation are primary causes of quality deterioration in meat and meat products, as it largely contributes to colour and flavor deterioration, loss of nutritional value and generates compounds that may be detrimental to consumers. Antioxidants inhibit lipid peroxidation and other free radical-mediated processes: therefore, they are able to protect consumers from several ailments attributed to the reactions of free radicals. Synthetic antioxidants have several toxic side effects. On the other hand, natural antioxidants have an advantage of being more acceptable to consumers as they are considered nontoxic.

Natural antimicrobial for curry/Spread

In this fast moving life, ready to eat food is the next big thing. We provide natural antimicrobial for ready to eat foods such as paneer makhani,chicken chettinad etc. Our natural antimicrobial increases the shelf life of ready to eat food without altering the taste or flavor. These are specially tailored after amalgamation of natural herb extracts designed to enhance the shelf life of ready to eat foods.

Natural Antimicrobial for Apricot Chutney

Apricot chutney is an intensely flavored condiment made from apricot fruit. The acidity (low pH) of the chutney prevents growth of several spoilage and pathogenic bacteria, molds and yeasts. This acidity is derived from the added vinegar and the natural acids of the fruit. The cooking step also kills most microorganisms that may be present. Cooking the mixture to concentrate it lowers available moisture that is needed for microbial growth.

Processing the filled jars in a canner uses additional heat to kill spoilage organisms that might contaminate the product as jars are filled and to produce a vacuum seal for later storage. For most chutneys, a boiling water canning process is adequate, but other foods may require a pressure process. During storage in the sealed jar, oxygen and additional microbial contamination is kept from the product. Too much oxygen left in the jar will cause interactions with food components that lead to quality losses (for example, undesirable changes in color, texture, and flavor).

The Shelf life for Apricot Chutneys is very less and without any antimicrobial, the taste, color and consistency of the chutney may deteriorate. Our Research team at PRASAN SOLUTONS has developed a antimicrobial specially for apricot chutneys which will avoid any undesired taste and color changes with time. This avoids bacterial growth that may be possible when the jar is opened for quite a long time. This will prevent wastage of your favorite apricot jam in a more natural way and thus avoids any health repercussions there after.